Figure 4.
Excretion of purine compounds in the isn1 mutant strain. (A.) Purine excretion phenotype of the wild-type strain (BY4741) and the isn1 mutant strain transformed with the P2047 plasmid leading to IMP overproduction. Transformed strains were spotted on a lawn of ade1 homozygous diploid cells plated on purine-free SD casa medium. Purine excretion was monitored after 3 days at 30°C. (B.) HPLC analysis of excreted purine compounds. Transformed strains as in (A) were grown in adenine- and uracil-free SD casa medium. Cells were then harvested and the medium was filtered. Separation of purine compounds was achieved by HPLC and monitored by following absorbance at 260 nm. Specific peaks were identified as IMP, hypoxanthine and inosine as described previously [7]. Arrows indicate the identified peaks with the following abbreviations: Hyp, hypoxanthine; Ino, inosine.