Figure 1.
The GluA and GluB Subfamilies Are Suppressed Differentially in LGC-1.
(A) RNA gel blot analysis of the GluA and GluB subfamilies in LGC-1. RNA samples were extracted from developing endosperm at 16 DAF. GluA1 and GluB1 cDNA were used as probes. rRNA was visualized by methylene blue staining of the blotted nylon membrane.
(B) Two-dimensional electrophoresis of glutelin acidic subunits of Nihonmasari (NM) and LGC-1 (LGC). Eighty micrograms of protein prepared from mature seeds was subjected to nonequilibrium pH gradient gel electrophoresis (NEPHGE) and then subjected to SDS-PAGE. The arrows indicate the directions of electrophoresis. G indicates the 26-kD globulin.
(C) Alignment of internal amino acid sequences of glutelin spots. The region from 191 to 217 amino acids of GluB1 is shown. Internal amino acid sequences of 1a, 4a, and 4b were determined in this work. The sequence of spot 32 was determined by Komatsu et al. (1993). Other sequences are deduced from genomic or cDNA clones (Takaiwa et al., 1991). GluB4 corresponds to cDNA clone RG21 (Masumura et al., 1989). The region of amino acid sequences determined in this work is shown in boldface.