FIG. 2.
H4a and H4b are important for satC accumulation in protoplasts. (A) Sequences and predicted structures of the reverse complement of H4a (H4aR) and that of H4b (H4bR). Sequences that differ from wt H4a and H4b are boxed. (B) satC either containing precise deletions of H4a (CΔH4a) or H4b (CΔH4b) or containing H4a or H4b in their reverse complement orientations (CH4aR and CH4bR, respectively) was inoculated onto protoplasts with TCV genomic RNA. Total extracted RNAs were examined by RNA gel blot analysis at 40 hpi. The blot was probed with an oligonucleotide specific for both TCV genomic RNA and satC. rRNAs were used as a loading control. Values below the blots represent average satC percentages from three independent experiments. None, no satRNA added to the inoculum; wtC, wild-type satC.