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. 2006 Mar 15;3(2):A55.

Table 1.

Characteristics of Study Counties by Study Arm, Northern Appalachia Cancer Network Screen for Life Pilot Study, 2003

Characteristic Coalition Arm Noncoalition Arm

Median Range Median Range
Population sizea 83,382 37,546-139,750 51,401 41,765-152,598
Population density (no. people/sq mile)a 108 33-263 71.1 49-222
Poverty rate (% below poverty level)a 12.5 9.9-17.3 11.8 7.7-15.40
Population per primary care providerb 2240 1651-3120 2223 1017-2907
Age (% older than 65 y)a 16.0 13.3-19.3 16.5 12.3-19.7
Education (% older than 25 y with high school diploma)a 47.6 45.3-81.2 50.7 47.4-82.8
Rurality (Beale codes)c 4 2-7 4 1-7

Source: data from United States Census of Population and Housing 2000 (35)


Source: data from Find a Health Professional Shortage Area (36)


Source: data from Rural-Urban Continuum Codes (37)