Relationship between two features of embryonic oviposition, (a–c) proportion of eggs shaded and (d–f) mean depth of eggs, at breeding sites of (a,d) AMMA, (b,e) AMGR and (c,f) RACA across a range of water transparency to UV-B (percentage surface UV-B at 10 cm water depth). A greater proportion of AMMA embryos are shaded from ambient light with increasing water transparency to , and the average depth (cm) of AMGR eggs in the water column increases with increasing water transparency to . No other relationships were found to be statistically significant with α=0.05. Transmission of surface UV-B through the water column is determined by the diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd) for UV-B wavelengths (290–320 nm), estimated by the absorption of 440 nm light in a spectrophotometer.