Fig. 2.
Cellular scaling rules for rodent brains. Each point represents one individual. Species are as indicated in a. All graphs are fitted with power functions whose exponents are indicated. All P < 0.0001. (a–c) Graphs show structure mass across species as a function of total number of cells (a), total number of nonneuronal cells (b), and total number of neurons (c). (d) Total number of nonneuronal cells as a function of total number of neurons in each structure across species. (e) Percentage of neurons relative to total number of cells in each structure as a function of total brain mass across species. (f) Neuronal density as a function of total brain mass for each structure, across species. Cx, cerebral cortex; Cb, cerebellum; Ra, remaining areas; mo, mouse; ha, hamster; ra, rat; gp, guinea pig; ag, agouti; ca, capybara.