Fig. 1.
Genetic map of the UPEC strain 536 chromosome. The two inner circles represent all putative genes, depending on ORF orientation. The third circle from the center gives the scale. The fourth circle from the center shows the G + C distribution. Regions with a highly aberrant G + C content (greater than or less than 2-fold standard deviation) are highlighted in red. The outermost circles show the result of a three-way genome comparison with the UPEC strain CFT073 and E. coli MG1655 (K-12) genomes: blue, backbone genes found in all three strains; red, genes present in 536 and CFT073 but absent from MG1655; green, genes found in 536 only; orange, genes of 536, which are present in CFT073 but located in a different genomic region. Pathogenicity and genomic islands (GEIs) are highlighted; flanking tRNAs are given in brackets.