Example of how six BrainSites of primary visual cortex are represented and processed, (a) without and (b) with the AM procedure. Bold black arrows denote I-relations that have to be specified explicitly. Except for RC=I for mapping between B09-17 and FV91-V1, which is clearly stated in the literature (PDC: H), these relations are assumed and thus PDC=P. Dotted grey arrows represent I-relations with PDC=R that are algorithmically inserted for BrainSites with identical acronyms but unknown relations. Dashed black arrows represent I-relations that are created automatically by ORT during the optimization of the transformation path. Black BrainSites enter the optimization of the transformation graph and all subsequent stages of ORT. Grey BrainSites do not enter ORT. (a) Without AM, the data collator is required to create at least five relations to ensure that transformation paths are eventually created between all six BrainSites, all of which have to enter the graph optimization routine. (b) Using AM, the data collator only needs to create a single relation (the one that is documented in the literature), still all possible transformation paths are created. Another advantage compared with (a) is that only four BrainSites need to enter ORT. The BrainMaps referred to are: B09 (Brodmann 1909), B88 (Barbas 1988), BDU91 (Boussaoud et al. 1991), FV91 (Felleman & Van Essen 1991), PHT00 (Paxinos et al. 2000) and UD86 (Ungerleider & Desimone 1986).