Laboratory strains used in this study
Straina | Genotypeb | Origin |
FGSC 1131 | het-6PAhet-cPAA | Mir-Rashed (1998) |
FGSC 2489 | 74-OR23-IV A | Oak Ridge wild type, 74ORs |
RLM 58-18 | het-6PAhet-cPAa | Smith et al. (1996) |
C2(2)-1 | het-6PAhet-cORthr-2 a | Smith et al. (1996) |
C2(2)-5 | het-6PAhet-cPAthr-2 a | Smith et al. (1996) |
C9-2 | het-6ORhet-cPAthr-2 a | Smith et al. (2000b) |
C2(2)-9 | het-6PAhet-cORthr-2 A | Smith et al. (1996) |
C2(3)-25 | het-6PAhet-cPAthr-2 A | Saupe et al. (1996) |
C9-15 | het-6ORhet-cPAthr-2 A | M. L. Smith |
6-13 | arg-1 ad-3B; het-6PAhet-cPApyr-4 A | Smith et al. (1996) |
C8c-32 | ro-7 un-24 het-6ORhet-cPApyr-4 a | Smith et al. (2000b) |
C01(4)-2 | un-24 het-6ORhet-cPApyr-4 a | This study |
FGSC, Fungal Genetics Stock Center, University of Kansas Medical Center.
The un-24 allelic designation is the same as that given for het-6; alleles at other undesignated het loci are OR for all strains except FGSC1131, where they are unknown. “un-24,” with no superscript, designates the temperature-sensitive allele that has OR incompatibility activity.