C01(4)-2 un-24 het-6OR | RLM58-18 un-24PAhet-6PA | C01-PA1 (un-24PA) het-6OR | C01-6PA un-24OR (het-6PA) | |
C9-2 un-24ORhet-6OR | Nonea | Strongb | Weakc | Weak |
C2(2)-5 un-24PAhet-6PA | Strong | None | Weak | Weak |
C9-2 E18 (un-24PA) het-6OR | Weak | Weak | None | Weak |
C9-2-6PA un-24OR (het-6PA) | Weak | Weak | Weak | None |
Escape strains C01-PA1 and C01-6PA were derived from C01(4)-2, C9-2 E18, and C9-2-6PA from C9-2. Allelic designation of the transgene expressed in the escape strain is in parentheses.
None, no heterokaryon incompatibility. Heterokaryons grow at wild-type rates of ∼30 mm/day and conidiate profusely.
Strong, pronounced incompatibility. No, or slight, growth of heterokaryons, no conidiation, escape infrequent even after ∼2 weeks.
Weak, weak incompatibility evident by slow growth rates (∼3 – 8 mm/day), abnormal “flat” morphology, irregular colony margins, and lack of conidiation. Escape to wild-type-like heterokaryons occurs rapidly, usually within ∼4 days.