AiAj |
Individual with maternally inherited Ai allele and paternally inherited Aj allele |
Aijkl |
AiAj offspring with an AkAl mother |
Gijkl |
Genotypic value of Aijkl
Frequency of Aijkl in population |
Genotypic deviation for Aijkl, the difference between the genotypic value (Gijkl) and the population mean |
Breeding value of female AiAj genotype; breeding value of male AiAj genotype |
Dominance deviation for female Aijkl; dominance deviation for male Aijkl
Total genetic variance of population |
Additive genetic variance for females; additive genetic variance for males |
Dominance genetic variance for females; dominance genetic variance for males |
Covariance between breeding values (additive effects) and dominance deviations for females and for males |
Covariance between offspring and mother (female parent) genotypic values; covariance between offspring and father (male parent) genotypic values |
Covariance between full-sib genotypic values |
Covariance between genotypic values of half-sibs sharing a female parent and of those sharing a male parent |
Additive effect of inheriting an Ai allele from the mother; additive effect of inheriting an Aj allele from the father |
Additive effect of having a mother who received an Ak allele from her mother; additive effect of having a mother who received an Al allele from her father |
Average genotypic value of AiAj genotype |
Average genetic value of individuals with an AkAl mother |
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Dominance effect of AiAj genotype; dominance effect for individual with AkAl mother; combined offspring–mother genotype dominance effect |
Offspring genotype additive genetic variation; maternal genotype additive genetic variation |
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Offspring genotype dominance genetic variance; maternal genotype dominance genetic variation; combined offspring–mother genotype dominance genetic variation |
Covariance between additive and additive effects; covariance between additive and dominance effects |