RT–PCR of tef mRNA agarose gel electrophoresis analysis of RT–PCR products. (A) RT of testis RNA isolated from males homozygous for the indicated tef alleles, amplified with tef-specific primers that flank the first intron. N, no template; C, cDNA template; G, genomic DNA template. (B) RT of testis RNA isolated from males homozygous for mutations that affect entry into or progression through meiosis, amplified using the same primers as in A. (C) RT of total RNA isolated from D. melanogaster or D. pseudoobscura testis (T), male soma minus testis (M), ovaries (O), and female soma minus ovaries (F). Amplifications were done on the same reverse-transcribed RNA samples using primers specific either for tef (top) or for the Drosophila fat-spondin homolog (bottom).