Figure 5.
Fitting of the time course of Rh-EGF binding to the models for the formation of signaling dimers. (A) Two simple schemes for the formation of a signaling dimer (EGF/EGFR–EGF/EGFR). Model A includes the intermediate EGF/EGFR–EGFR formed by the association of EGF/EGFR and EGFR. In Model B, the intermediate is EGF/EGFR–EGFR*. (B) Changes in the number of Rh-EGF monomers (open circles) and dimers (filled circles) bound to the cell surface (the same plots shown in Figure 2) have been fitted using functions obtained form Models A (red lines) and B (solid black lines). In fitting, three of the rate constants were fixed to the experimentally obtained values. Model A could not explain the experiments. Results of fitting using Model B floating every parameter are also shown (black broken lines). The total number of bound Rh-EGF molecules before the 40 s time period is shown as closed squares for reference.