The morphology of the adult tenrec cerebellum views seen from the anterior (A), dorsal (B) and posteroventral (C) and on a midsagittal section stained for myelin and counterstained for cresyl violet (D, from the region indicated in A). (A) Lobules I–III, IV–V and VI–VIII are undifferentiated and are not separated by fissures. (B) In the hemispheres, the presumed hemisphere lobule VI (pHVI) is not separated from the posterior hemispheric lobules that are themselves fused. (C) The paraflocculus is prominent and extends laterally away from the hemispheres while the flocculus is hidden from view. (D) Five lobules are present in the tenrec cerebellum (I–III, IV–V, VI–VIII, IX and X). At the midsagittal level four fissures are prominent: preculminate, primary, secondary and the posterolateral fissure. The lobules are indicated by Roman numerals. Abbreviations: f.pc., preculminate fissure;, primary fissure; f.s., secondary fissure;, posterolateral fissure; pfl, paraflocculus. Scale bars: B = 1 mm (A, B, D); C = 1 mm, D = 1 mm.