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. 2004 Jul;205(1):25–33. doi: 10.1111/j.0021-8782.2004.00310.x

Table 2.

Summary of the age at which specific lymphocyte populations were initially detected in the immune tissues of marsupials

Lymphocytes initially stained in stripe-faced dunnart
Tissue Species CD3+ CD5+ CD79b+ Reference
Liver Stripe-faced dunnart NS NS NS this study
Tammar wallaby NS NS NS Old & Deane (2003)
Bone marrow Stripe-faced dunnart NS NS NS this study
Tammar wallaby NS NS NS Old & Deane (2003)
Thymus White bellied opossum* 14 mm CRL NA NA Coutinho et al. (1995)
Stripe-faced dunnart by 12 days by 50 days rare this study
Brushtail possum day 2 NA NA Baker et al. (1999)
Tammar wallaby by day 12 by day 12 by day 23 (rare) Old & Deane (2003)
Spleen White bellied opossum* 80 mm CRL NA weanling Coutinho et al. (1995)
Stripe-faced dunnart by 43 days by 21/2 months by 43 days this study
Brushtail possum by day 25 NA NA Baker et al. (1999)
Tammar wallaby by day 21 by day 30 by day 21 Old & Deane (2003)
Lymph nodes White bellied opossum* 75 mm CRL NA weanling Coutinho et al. (1995)
Stripe-faced dunnart by 50 days by 15 days by 50 days this study
Tammar wallaby by day 24 by day 24 by day 35 Old & Deane (2003)
GALT Stripe-faced dunnart by 50 days by 57 days by 50 days this study
White bellied opossum* 24 mm CRL NA > 60 mm CRL Coutinho et al. (1994)
Brushtail possum from day 2 NA NA Baker et al. (1999)
Tammar wallaby day 12 (rare) day 74 (rare) day 7 (rare) Old & Deane (2003)
BALT Stripe-faced dunnart juvenile juvenile juvenile this study
Tammar wallaby no BALT no BALT no BALT Old & Deane (2003)

NS, no staining at any age; NA, not attempted; CRL, crown–rump length.


Growth charts have not been constructed for this species (Didelphis albiventris).