Fig. 5.
Laminar distribution patterns of the glutamatergic NMDA, AMPA and kainate receptors in different cortical areas (a, primary visual cortex V1; b, secondary visual cortex V2; c, primary motor cortex 4p, i.e. posterior part of BA 4; d, entorhinal area). The expression of the NMDA receptor reaches highest levels in all four areas relative to the other two glutamatergic receptors, but varies considerably between the areas. The AMPA receptors show higher densities in V1 and 4p, but lower densities in V2 and in the entorhinal cortex when compared with the kainate receptors. Note that the difference in the shape of the kainate receptor density profiles depicted in Fig. 3(b) and in Fig. 5(a) is due solely to differences in the scaling of the y-axis.