Neural crest derivation of the larval cartilaginous skull and hyobranchial skeleton of Bombina orientalis seen in dorsal (left) and ventral views. Colours correspond to the three crest migratory streams depicted in Fig. 2; noncrest-derived cartilages are shaded grey. The arrowhead points to the boundary between crest- and noncrest-derived portions of the floor of the braincase (neurocranium). Anterior is at the top. Abbreviations: BB, basibranchial; BH, basihyal; CB, ceratobranchials I–IV; CH, ceratohyal; CT, trabecular horn (cornu trabecula); IR, infrarostral; MC, Meckel's cartilage; OC, otic capsule; PQ, palatoquadrate; SR, suprarostral; TP, trabecular plate. Reproduced with permission from Olsson & Hanken (1996).