Figure 1.
Inhibition of kainate-activated ion-currents in oocytes expressing recombinant AMPA GluR1 receptor subunit by aliphatic n-alcohols. (a) Record of currents activated by 200 μM KA in oocytes voltage-clamped at −70 mV and the inhibition of these currents by 100 mM ethanol and 10 mM 1-hexanol. 1 mM 1-decanol did not inhibit receptor current. Current and time calibration applies to all records. (b) Concentration-response curves for inhibition of kainate-activated current by aliphatic n-alcohols from methanol to 1-decanol in oocytes expressing recombinant AMPA GluR1 receptor subunit. Values are mean (±s.e.mean) percentage inhibition of 5–8 oocytes; error bars not visible are smaller than the symbol size. Each curve was plotted by fitting the values to the logistic equation in the methods section, except for the 1-octanol, 1-nonanol and 1-decanol curves, which were fitted by linear regression.