Experimental protocols illustrating the times and routes of antiserum and drug adminstration. i.c.v.=intracerebroventicularly; i.p.=intraperitoneally; s.c. subcutaneously. pAb=anti-annexin 1 polyclonal antiserum (3 μl rat−1 i.c.v. or 1 ml kg−1, s.c); NSS=non-immune sheep serum (3 μl rat−1, i.c.v. or 1 ml kg−1, s.c); Cort=corticosterone (500 μg kg−1, i.p. in a volume of 1 ml kg−1); IL-1β=interleukin 1β (10 ng rat−1 in a volume of 3 μl, i.c.v. or 500 μg kg−1, i.p. in a volume of 1 ml kg−1); ANX-1=annexin 1Ac2 – 26 (0.1 – 10 ng rat−1 in a volume of 3 μl, i.c.v.). Corresponding volumes of saline (Sal) or vehicle (Veh) were administered as controls where appropriate.