Figure 2.
Comparison of the amino acid sequences of BgII, BgIII with other sea anemone toxins. BgII and BgIII have been purified from the sea anemone Bunodosoma granulifera (Loret et al., 1994), ATXII from Anemonia sulcata (Wunderer et al., 1976), ApA and ApB from Anthopleura xanthogrammica (Norton, 1981; Reimer et al., 1985; Tanaka et al., 1977) and ShI from Stichodactyla helianthus (Kem et al., 1989; Wilcox et al., 1993). Identical amino acids are indicated with a black background, homologous amino acids are indicated with a gray background and ‘%id' stands for the percentage of identity in comparison to BgII. Dashes represent gaps.