Figure 4.
Comparison of the effects of treatment with capsaicin (20 μg ear−1) in the presence or absence of CGRP8–37 on (a) plasma extravasation and (b) blood flow in the ears of wild-type and NK1 receptor knockout mice. Results are expressed as (a) μl of fluid accumulated per mg of ear tissue and (b) area under in the ears of wild-type and NK1 receptor knockout mice, the flux curve, n=10. Columns show the mean size of the response, and bars show the s.e.mean. *P<0.05, ***P<0.001 compared to ethanol-treated controls. #P<0.05 compared to vehicle-treated capsaicin ear. Unfilled bars represent wild-type mice treated with BSA (CGRP8–37 vehicle control), hatched bars represent wild-type+CGRP8–37, black bars represent knockouts+BSA and cross-hatched bars knockouts+CGRP8–37.