Figure 4.
Cardiovascular changes elicited by bilateral microinjection of the vehicle (aCSF, n=15) or increasing doses of β-FNA (0.05 – 0.5 nmol, n=15) into the PVN of conscious, unrestrained rats. Values are means±s.e.mean shown by vertical lines. A significant interaction between treatment and time for ΔHR, ΔMAP and ΔRenal and Hindquarter Doppler Shift was found. *P<0.05 when the cardiovascular responses to β-FNA at the dose of 0.05 or 0.5 nmol are compared with those elicited by the control injection of aCSF. No significant interaction was observed for ΔMesenteric Doppler Shift, the comparison between β-FNA (at each dose) and the control (aCSF) was done averaging over time.