Figure 2.
RT-PCR of PDEγ1, PDEγ2 and G3PDH transcripts in pulmonary vessels from rats maintained under normoxic and chronic hypoxic conditions. (a) RT-PCR with specific primers for PDEγ1, 261 bp; PDEγ2, 282 bp and G3PDH, 983 bp, from main, first branch, intrapulmonary and resistance vessels from Wistar rats maintained under normoxic (−) and chronic hypoxic (+H) conditions for 14 days. Total RNA/sample (1 μg) was used as a template for cDNA synthesis, of which one-fifth was used for each RT-PCR. This is a representative result of four individual experiments, quantified by densitometry. (b) cDNA sequence analysis of PDEγ1 and 2 from pulmonary smooth muscle.