Effects of i.p. administrations of UK-14,304 (0.2 μmol kg−1), rauwolscine (1 μmol kg−1), or rauwolscine plus UK-14,304 on gastrointestinal transit in rats. Data displayed in panels a and b were obtained from animals in the absence or in the presence of DNBS-induced colitis, respectively. Data displayed in panels c and d refer to experiments where both vehicle-treated and DNBS-treated animals received guanethidine 70 μmol kg−1 i.p. daily for two consecutive days, before performing the gastrointestinal transit assay. Each value represents the mean of seven to ten experiments ±s.e.m. (vertical bars). Significant difference from the respective values obtained in vehicle-treated animals: *P<0.05; significant difference from the respective control values: aP<0.05; significant difference from the respective values obtained in guanethidine-untreated animals: bP<0.05.