Figure 3.
Effects of various treatments on motor activity in nonhabituated mice. The data represent the counts of motility in 10-min intervals (mean values and standard errors, n=8–10 per group). For statistical significance, see Results section. (a) Locomotor effects of nociceptin (0.1 nmol mouse−1, i.c.v. 5.0 nmol mouse−1, i.c.v.) in mice pretreated with NBZ (1 mg kg−1, s.c., 3–4 min before agonist treatment). (b) Locomotor effects of nociceptin (0.1 nmol mouse−1, i.c.v.) in mice pretreated with the tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor H44-68 (100 mg kg−1, i.p., 2 h before treatment with nociceptin). The bar graphs in the upper parts of the plates represent the cumulative motility counts for a test duration of 60 min. P<0.05 (comparison with control groups: CSF and Sal+CSF).