A, Mean (±SEM) number of choices toward the CS odor during the Y-maze test. Training infusion of amygdala CORT permitted the learning of a relative odor aversion compared with each of the other groups. B, Mean (±SEM) number of choices toward the CS odor during the Y-maze test. Training infusion of caudate CORT permitted the learning of a relative odor preference compared with each of the other groups. In A and B, the asterisks indicate significant differences from the control groups (p < 0.001). C, Locations of cannula tips (solid circles) in rats used for CORT infusion into the amygdala. D, Locations of cannula tips (solid circles) in rats used for CORT infusion into the caudate. E, Section from a P8 pup counterstained with cresyl violet and characterizing the extent of H3 CORT drug diffusion within the amygdala.