Figure 1.
Experimental setup and kainate and D-aspartate-induced current in isolated hippocampal neurons. (a) The photograph illustrates the triple barrel perfusion system. An isolated hippocampal neuron was lifted from the dish and was constantly perfused by one of the three barrels. An enlarged view on the patch pipette and the attached hippocampal neuron is shown in the inset. The barrel positions were controlled by a step-motor under the command of pClamp software via Digidata 1200 interface. Three different solutions (indicated on the barrel) were constantly perfused. (b) Kainate (KA, 200 μM, open bar) induced an inward current in this hippocampal neuron (VH=−60 mV) and a mixture of D-aspartate (D-asp, 1 mM, filled bar) and kainate (200 μM) induced a larger inward current.