Figure 7.
The blocking action of D-aspartate on kainate-induced current is observed at all tested holding potentials. (a) Kainate (100 μM, open bar)-induced currents under different holding potentials (−80 to +60 mV, 20 mV increment). Application of D-aspartate (D-asp, filled bar) partially blocked kainate-induced current. (b) Current–voltage relationship for kainate-induced current was plotted in control conditions (Con, open triangles) and in the presence of D-aspartate (D-asp, 1 mM, filled circles) and L-aspartate (L-asp, 1 mM, open circles). (c) Kainate-induced currents in the presence of D-aspartate (filled circles) and L-aspartate (open circles) were calculated as fractions of control kainate currents.