Figure 8.
Inhibition of W-212393-induced phase advance by J-113397. (a) Representative records of the effects of vehicle (V), W-212393 alone (W), and W-212393 with J-113397 (W+J) on the body temperature rhythm at CT6. The time of day is indicated horizontally and consecutive days vertically. Rats were maintained in constant darkness until a stable free-running rhythm was observed for longer than 10 days. Asterisk in the figure indicates the time of injections. (b) The mean phase shifts induced by vehicle, W-212393 alone, J-113397 alone, and W-212393 with J-113397. W-212393 and J-113397 were simultaneously administered i.p. at CT6. Data indicate the mean±s.e.m. of six or seven rats. ***P<0.001 in comparison by Tukey's multiple comparison test.