Figure 4.
(a) Number of HUVECs after 72 h treatment with PSAs (10 units ml−1). The values represent the mean±s.e. of triplicate wells. *P<0.05, **P<0.01 vs PBS by Student's unpaired t-test. N.s. (not significant), ***P<0.05 between PSAs by one-way ANOVA with Fisher's least-significant-difference test. (b) VEGF-induced migration of HUVEC. *P<0.05, **P<0.01 vs VEGF+PBS, and †P<0.05 vs VEGF+UFH by ANOVA with Fisher's least-significant-difference test. (c) The effect of PSAs on HUVEC tubular formation in vitro. Representative microphotographs of HUVEC morphogenesis to form capillary-like structures in culture medium containing PBS or PSAs (× 100). (d) Quantitative analysis of the extent of tubular formation. Each bar indicates the mean±s.e. of data from four experiments performed in duplicate wells. There were no significant differences between control (PBS) and PSA-treated HUVEC by Student's unpaired t-test.