Figure 3.
Transcription of SIRE elements. (A) Northern blot analysis with total T. cruzi RNA using a SIRE antisense strand-specific probe. Size of the most prominent bands are indicated in kb. (B) RT-PCR analysis of SIRE transcription. M, 1-kb ladder DNA marker (GIBCO/BRL); lane 1, amplification with primers S2–S3; lane 2, amplification with sense primers S2–S1; lane 3, amplification with primers S2–S0; lane 4, primers S2–S0, but without the addition of RT; lane 5, primers S2–S0, but without the addition of RNA during the RT reaction; lane 6, reaction without the addition of cDNA products. (C) RT-PCR analysis, orientation of SIRE transcripts. M, 1-kb ladder DNA marker; lane 1, SL primer and S2; lane 2, SL and S3; lane 3, SL and S1; lane 4, SL and Ha1; lane 5, SL and S3 without the addition of RT. The structure of SIRE with the indication of primer locations are shown below C.