(A) Illustration of the ebpA–srtC operon of E. faecalis OG1RF. (B) Comparison of biofilm production of wild-type OG1RF and ebpA deletion (TX5475), ebpB disruption (TX5460), ebpC disruption (TX5448), and srtC deletion (TX5470) mutants. (C) Biofilm formation after complementing the ebpC disruption mutant with ebpC (TX5476) and ebpC plus srtC (TX5479) cloned under control of the nisin-inducible promoter of pMSP3545. The ebp disruption mutant electroporated with vector only (TX5482) served as a control. Median and interquartile range values are shown. Values are from at least 3 independent experiments, each performed in quadruplicate. *P = 0.0079, **P < 0.001, ***P < 0.0001; Kruskal-Wallis test (ANOVA) for comparing WT with mutants and Mann-Whitney U test for comparing complemented strains with vector-only control.