Figure 4. Hst/Py-sorted HSCs display an absolute but transient S/G2/M engraftment defect.
(A) Ter119– 14.5-dpc FL cells in G1/S/G2/M were fractionated into their component G1 and S/G2/M subsets, leaving a slight separation between them. Aliquots of the sorted subsets were then stained with PI as well as with Hst/Py (data not shown). The sorted cells were cultured for 6 hours and then stained again with PI. We found that during this 6-hour culture period, approximately one-third of the cells originally in G1 had progressed into S/G2/M, and a similar proportion of the cells originally in S/G2/M had progressed into G1. (B) CRUs per 105 initial Ter119– FL cells for G1 and S/G2/M fractions before and after 6 hours in culture. There was a 3.5-fold loss of CRUs when G1 cells were cultured for 6 hours, but no loss when the cultured cells were re-sorted for G1 cells (P = 0.36). Conversely, we detected a greater than 65-fold increase in the number of CRUs detected when CRUs in S/G2/M were cultured and a greater than 128-fold increase when the cultured cells were sorted for G1 cells. IF, intrafemoral. Values are mean ± SEM of results from at least 3 experiments. *P < 0.01, **P < 0.001 versus respective cell types before culture.