Sox2 expression during TB development. Sox2EGFP expression in whole tongues at E12.5 (A), E13.5 (B), and E17.5 (E), and in posterior palate at E17.5 (F). (C) Cryosection of E13.5 Sox2EGFP/ + tongue shows fluorescence in columnar placode cells. (D) Whole-mount immunostaining for Sox2 in E15.5 tongue. Sox2EGFP/+ tissues at P5 (G–I) and P60 (J–L) show expression in the intact anterior tongue (G,J), and in cryosections of fungiform (H,K), and vallate and foliate papillae (I,L). The superficial fluorescence in K is nonspecific. Bars: C,H, 50 μm; K,L, 100 μm.