Inhibition of deadenylation during stress affects multiple mRNAs. Shown are polyacrylamide Northern gels examining the decay of endogenous RPL41A, MFA1, RPS28A, and PGK1 mRNAs in rpb1–1 strains exposed to osmotic stress (KCl 1 M) or glucose deprivation (−glucose). Numbers above the lanes represent minutes after transcriptional repression by shifting the cells to the nonpermissive temperature. The 0 time point was also treated with RNaseH and oligo(dT) to indicate the position of the deadenylated mRNA. To allow for size resolution of the poly(A) tail, the 3′ 319 nt of the 1.4-kb PGK1 mRNA were cleaved by oRP70-directed RNaseH cleavage prior to loading on the gel.