Figure 7.
Immunohistolocalization of TnI in bovine chondrocytes. Sections of bovine scapular cartilage were prepared as described in Materials and Methods and incubated overnight with a monoclonal antibody (mAb1691) against bovine cardiac muscle TnI (Chemicon) according to standard protocols. Positive staining (×40) was observed intracellulary (A) in contrast to a control section (B) incubated in the absence of the primary antibody. Competition studies were performed by using either BSA (C) or rTnI (D). Positive staining was blocked by incubation with a 100-fold excess by weight of rTnI (D). Other controls include immunohistochemistry of bovine skeletal muscle stained with MAB1691 (E) and of bovine scapular cartilage sections stained with antibodies against Type II collagen (F) and type I collagen (Southern Biotechnology Associates) (G).