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. 2006 Sep 11;6:137. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-6-137

Table 1.

Characteristics of 430 patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia with and without endocarditis.

Bacteremia with endocarditis Bacteremia without endocarditis Total
Characteristic (n = 74) (n = 356) (n = 430) OR 95% CI P
Age, mean years ± SD 55 ± 22 59 ± 17 58 ± 18 - - 0.26
Male sex 47 (64) 221 (62) 268 (62) 1.06 0.63–1.79 0.82
Hospital-acquired 34 (46) 198 (56) 232 (54) 0.68 0.41–1.12 0.13
Previous skin disease or wound 34 (46) 189 (53) 223 (52) 0.75 0.45–1.24 0.26
Previous surgerya 18 (24) 77 (22) 95 (22) 1.17 0.65–2.10 0.61
Trauma in prior 2 months 12 (16) 98 (28) 110 (26) 0.51 0.26–0.99 0.04
Central intravenous catheter 10 (14) 48 (14) 58 (14) 1.00 0.48–2.09 0.99
Hemodialysis 6 (8) 38 (11) 44 (10) 0.74 0.30–1.82 0.51
Previous S. aureus deep infection 3 (4) 28 (8) 31 (7) 0.50 0.15–1.67 0.33
Previous S. aureus bacteremia 2 (3) 15 (4) 17 (4) 0.63 0.14–2.82 0.75
Predisposing heart condition 47 (64) 63 (18) 110 (26) 8.10 4.69–13.98 <0.001
 Degenerative heart disease 22 (30) 32 (9) 54 (13) 4.28 2.31–7.94 <0.001
 Injection drug use 20 (27) 24 (7) 44 (10) 5.12 2.65–9.91 <0.001
 Prosthetic valve 17 (23) 1 (0.3) 18 (4) 105.88 13.82–811.08 <0.001
 Prior endocarditis 11 (15) 0 (0) 11 (3) - - <0.001
 Congenital heart disease 5 (7) 5 (1) 10 (2) 5.09 1.43–18.05 0.02
 Mitral valve prolapse 2 (3) 2 (1) 4 (1) 4.92 0.68–35.48 0.14
 Rheumatic heart disease 2 (3) 1 (0.3) 3 (1) 9.86 0.88–110.21 0.08
Coronary artery disease 21 (28) 89 (25) 110 (26) 1.19 0.68–2.08 0.54
Corticosteroid use ≥ 1 month 8 (11) 37 (10) 45 (11) 1.05 0.47–2.35 0.92
Immunosuppressive therapyb 3 (4) 26 (7) 29 (7) 0.54 0.16–1.82 0.45
Diabetes 19 (26) 89 (25) 108 (25) 1.04 0.58–1.84 0.90
Alcoholism 4 (5) 44 (12) 48 (11) 0.41 0.14–1.17 0.10
Liver disease 24 (32) 43 (12) 67 (16) 3.49 1.95–6.25 <0.001
Malignancy 9 (12) 54 (15) 63 (15) 0.77 0.36–1.65 0.51
Chronic renal failure 8 (11) 52 (15) 60 (14) 0.71 0.32–1.56 0.39
HIV positive 3 (4) 5 (1) 8 (2) 2.97 0.69–12.70 0.14

NOTE. Data are no. (%) of patients, unless otherwise indicated.

a Includes cardiac and non-cardiac surgery during 3 months preceding the positive blood culture.

b During 6 months preceding the positive blood culture.