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. 2006 Sep 13;2:28. doi: 10.1186/1746-6148-2-28

Table 2.

SNPs identified in AKR1C genes genotyped in 1/4 Meishan F8 and F10 population.

Allele frequencies3

Assay Gene Accession1 Location2 Polymorphism F8 & F10 MS WC Polymorphic site4
33391_261 C/T AKR1CL2 BV102614 Intron 1 T = 0.63 T = 0.21 T = 0.81 ccctgcacagYagcgcgggca
49422_42 A/T AKR1C2 BV680531 nt 179 Ile16Phe A = 0.77 A = 0.50 A = 1.00 cggtcacctcWttcctgtact
36962_196 A/T AKR1C2 DQ474066 nt 779 Tyr216Asn A = 0.62 A = 0.17 A = 0.89 tttggttgccWatgctgccct
36962_681 A/G AKR1C2 DQ474066 nt 833 Val234 Ile G = 0.85 ND ND aaaccacccaRttctcttgg
31063_1495 G/T AKR1C4 BV680526 promoter ERE site T = 0.55 T = 0.10 T = 0.94 tcagagtactKaccttgacca
31503_2415 A/G AKR1C4 BV680525 Exon 1 silent G = 0.81 G = 1.00 G = 0.67 tgagtagtggRgaagagacgt
27648_208 C/T AKR1C4 BV680527 Exon 1 silent T = 0.67 T = 0.36 T = 0.86 agctgaatgaYgggcacctca
20502_681 C/T AKR1C4 BV680537 Intron 2 C = 0.57 C = 0.17 C = 0.92 cttttagctaYtgatgtttmc
20502_722 C/T AKR1C4 BV680537 Intron 2 C = 0.78 C = 0.50 C = 1.00 aaatcayaagYcatttttaat
14984_99 G/T AKR1C4 BV680523 Intron 4 T = 0.56 ND ND aaatgtgggtKtgatccctgg
36969_772 C/T AKR1C4 BV680543 Exon 7 silent C = 0.56 C = 0.25 C = 0.94 agaaacacaaYagaagcccag
49431_198 C/T AKR1C4 BV680533 Intron 8 Splice site T = 0.58 T = 0.50 T = 0.81 ttcccttcctYycaggtttttr

1Accession numbers beginning with BV are sequences submitted to dbSTS.

2Location refers to nucleotide position in cDNA.

3Allele frequencies were calculated from F8 and F10 animals genotyped (ranging from 238–420 animals), and founder Meishan (MS) and founder White composite (WC) animals (7–10 animals each) in the original resource population; ND = not determined.

4Polymorphisms are identified by IUB code with flanking genomic sequence.