Phenotypes and hypocotyl measurements of etr1(1-349)- and etr1-1(1-349)-transformed etr1-7 ers1-2. A, Hypocotyl lengths of the etr1(1-349)- and etr1-1(1-349)-transformed etr1-7 ers1-2 seedlings are longer than the untransformed seedlings. B, etr1-1(1-349) confers strong ethylene insensitivity in Col-0. getr1-1[HGG] rescues the etr1-7 ers1-2 mutant phenotype. ETR1 and etr1(1-349) do not cause ethylene insensitivity. C, Seedling phenotypes of dark-grown transformants. D, Phenotypes of light-grown seedlings. etr1(1-349)- and etr1-1(1-349)-transformed etr1-7 ers1-2 seedlings are larger than etr1-7 ers1-2. E, Rosette phenotypes at the 7-week stage; the transformants are substantially larger than the untransformed mutant. F, Rosette phenotypes at the 4-week stage. Error bar indicates the 95% confidence of a mean.