Receptor signal output mediated by the ETR1 N terminus is elevated by Ag(I). A, Seedling phenotype of the etr1(1-349)- and etr1-1(1-349)-transformed etr1-7 ers1-2 lines germinated in the presence of silver nitrate. B and C, Measurement and comparison of the seedling hypocotyl length of transformation lines. Hypocotyl length of seedling germinated in air with Ag(I) treatment (B, a) and in ethylene with Ag(I) treatment (C, a) is shown. lsd analyses for seedlings germinated in air with Ag(I) (B, b) and in ethylene with silver nitrate (C, b) are shown. D, Seedling phenotype of etr1-1(1-349)-transformed et2-3 ein4-4 ers2-3 lines germinated in the presence of silver nitrate. E, Hypocotyl measurement of etr1-1(1-349)-transformed etr2-3 ein4-4 ers2-3 lines (a), and comparison of seedling hypocotyl length of transformation lines germinated in air and ethylene with Ag(I) treatment (b). For lsd analyses in B and C, transformation lines carrying etr1(1-349) are represented as L and those carrying etr1-1(1-349) are represented as L. For lsd in E, air-grown lines are represented as L and ethylene-grown lines are represented as L. Ln-Ln indicates a paired comparison. When a paired comparison is statistically highly significant (P ≤ 0.01), it is marked with double asterisks. Gray bars, Hypocotyl lengths of the untransformed and Ag(I)-treated lines; white bars, amount of hypocotyl elongation caused by a transgene and Ag(I).