Figure 5.
Summary of the Arabidopsis and rice gene annotations to the GSO. A, Growth stage-specific gene annotations from Arabidopsis and rice. The stages prefixed with A to D are the top most categories of the growth stages, namely vegetative, reproductive, senescence, and dormancy. The stages prefixed with 0 to 2 are vegetative substages, and those with 3 to 6 are reproductive substages. All stages means all the GSO terms. B, A list of selected Arabidopsis and rice genes annotated to five specific growth stage terms, suggesting the current state of annotations and not the actual growth stage-specific profile. A similar list can be generated to get growth stage-specific gene expression profiles for a given species. In columns 2 and 3, the numbers (written in bold) appearing before the parentheses are the total number of gene annotations; species-specific genes are written in italics.