Alignment of the nucleotide sequence of the 5′ flanking regions of SF-1 genes and block-replacement mutants. A) Nucleotide sequences of the proximal promoter and 5′ untranslated region of the SF-1 genes compared between rat (GenBank accession no. D42151), ox (GenBank accession no. AF140357), and human (GenBank accession no. D84206). Numbers indicate the position of the nucleotides in the rat SF-1 gene (−91 to +61) relative to the major transcription start site (+1 indicated by an arrow). Nucleotides identical between the three sequences are dark shaded, similar are light shaded, and the nucleotide deletions (alignment gaps) are indicated by dashes. The Sox9, E box, CCAAT box, and Sp1 regulatory elements are also given. The PstI and BsaWI restriction sites used for the generation of the mutants are marked (see Materials and Methods). B) Sequences of the block-replacement mutations generated within the region spanning −87 and +30 of the rat SF-1 gene. The wild-type sequence of the rat gene (regions 1–16) is presented on the top strand in uppercase letters. The positions and sequences of the block-replacement mutants (μ1 through μ16) are shown on the bottom strand in low-ercase letters.