High level expression of the Drosophila caspase DCP-1 kills yeast and is prevented by coexpression of baculovirus p35 or DIAP1. EGY48 yeast were transformed with pGALL plasmids containing either full length DCP-1 (FLDCP-1), an active site C-S mutant of DCP-1 (DCP-1 C-S), or no insert (vector). Transformants were streaked from selective glucose-containing medium onto selective gal/raf-inducing medium. Cells expressing either an empty pGALS vector or the DCP-1 C-S active site mutant grow on galactose-containing medium whereas cells expressing full length DCP-1 do not (A). EGY48 yeast carrying pGALS-FLDCP-1 were transformed with pGALL vectors carrying full length DIAP1 (DIAP1), the DIAP1 BIR repeats (DIAP1 BIR), baculovirus p35 (p35), or nothing (vector). GALL-dependent expression of p35, full length DIAP1, and, to a somewhat lesser extent, the DIAP1 BIR repeats block DCP-1-dependent cell death (B).