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. 2006 Sep 13;6:116. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-6-116

Table 2.

Association of Colon Cancer Screening with Demographics, Characteristics of Visits to the Primary Care Office, and Preventive Services Usage from Medical Records

Characteristic FOBTa <1/year
(n = 907) %
Annual FOBT
(n = 74) %
P FOBT never
(n = 462) %
FOBT ever
(n = 519) %
(n = 762) %
(n = 219) %
Age (ref. = 75 + years)
 64–74 years 61 62 0.852 57 65 0.005 59 69 0.007
Race (ref. = African-American)
 Caucasian 92 90 0.523 93 91 0.24 92 92 0.921
Gender (ref. = male)
 Female 53 23 <.001 60 43 <.001 54 40 <.001
Marital status
 Never married 4 7 0.103 5 4 0.03 4 6 <.001
 Married 53 65 51 57 51 65
 Widowed 34 20 37 28 36 22
 Divorced/separated 9 8 7 10 9 7
 < High school 30 32 0.512 28 32 0.68 32 25 0.06
 Some high school 45 50 47 44 45 46
 High school grad/tech school 20 14 20 19 19 21
 Some college 5 4 5 5 4 8
 Rural 19 4 <.001c 24 12 <.001 20 12 0.015
 Urban 47 23 47 43 43 52
 Veterans' Affairs 19 64 14 30 22 25
 Inner city 15 9 15 14 15 11
Employed (ref. = unemployed) 15 15 0.931 12 18 0.025 16 14 0.479
Income level
 <$10,000 19 10 0.237 21 17 0.423 20 13 0.02
 $10,000–19,999 38 48 39 39 39 38
 $20,000–39,999 29 30 27 31 29 30
 ≥$40,000 14 12 13 14 12 19
Smoking status
 Smoker 11 4 .023c 11 11 0.001 11 11 0.326
 Quitter 40 32 45 34 41 35
 Never smoker 48 64 44 55 49 54
Characteristics of Visits to Primary Care and Preventive Services Usage from Medical Records
Visits/year to primary care officed
 < 2 36 20 <.001 38 32 0.009 37 29 <.001
 2 – 3 27 18 27 24 27 21
 3 – 4 25 38 21 31 24 34
 ≥5 12 24 13 12 11 17
Visits to designated PCPe,f
 0 – 25% 8 5 .368c 8 8 0.011 7 10 0.608
 26 – 50% 12 14 14 10 12 12
 51 – 75% 19 12 15 23 19 20
 76 – 100% 61 69 64 60 62 59
Mammography status/time since last mammogram
 Never 11 12 0.836 15 5 <.001 11 8 0.072
 < 1 year 59 65 54 66 57 70
 ≥1 year 30 24 31 29 32 22
Annual influenza vaccine 16 38 <.001 14 20 0.014 16 21 0.093
Pneumococcal vaccine 63 74 0.093 56 71 <.001 63 69 0.069
Tetanus toxoid within 10 yrs. 32 45 0.025 26 39 <.001 32 36 0.245

aFecal Occult Blood Test

bEndoscopy/Barium Enema

cBy Fisher's Exact Test

dVisits/year was a continuous variable which was grouped as <2, 2-<3, 3-<5 and ≥5, but given simplified labels in the Table.

ePrimary Care Provider

fVisits to identified PCP was a continuous variable which was grouped as 0-<26%, 26%-<50%, 50%-<75% and ≥75%, but given simplified labels in the Table.

Totals may differ from 100% due to rounding