Northern blot and RT-PCR analyses of IpLITR tissue expression. Catfish LITR tissue expression was performed by Northern blot analysis using a an IpLITR1 D1-specific probe, and b an IpLITR2 D3-specific probe. Total RNA from pronephros (head kidney), mesonephros (trunk kidney), spleen, heart, liver, gill, and muscle were examined. Kilobase markers are on the left margin and arrows indicate the major hybridizing bands observed. RNA integrity and load levels were determined by hybridization using a catfish EF1α probe as a housekeeping gene. c RT-PCR analyses of IpLITR1 and IpLITR2 in various catfish tissues. The sizes of the IpLITR bands verified by sequencing are indicated at the right margin and base pair sizes are at the left margin