Contraction by looping of the Igh and Igk loci. (a) Igh locus, indicating the position of the third VH11 probe (BAC 282021). (b) Confocal section through the nucleus of a Rag2−/− pro–B cell, which was analyzed by three-dimensional DNA FISH with VHJ558 (blue), VH11 (red) and Cγ1 (green) probes. Middle, enlargement of the Igh allele shown at left; right, looping configuration. (c) Igk locus, indicating the position of the third Vκ21 probe (BAC 113G24; ref. 51). (d) Confocal image of an early immature B cell showing the relative positions of the Vκ24 (blue), Vκ21 (red) and Cκ (green) probe signals. Middle, higher magnification of the Igk allele shown at left; right, looping configuration. There was similar looping of Igk and Igh loci in 20 and 24 cells, respectively. Additional alleles with Igk and Igh looping are in Supplementary Fig. 2 online.