Five chimpanzees (Ch6455, Ch6461, Ch1606, Ch6475, and Ch6411) were studied prospectively during acute HCV infection. (A) Serum ALT levels (open squares) and serum HCV RNA titers (black diamonds) have previously been reported (44) and are presented for reference purposes. (B–G) Serial liver biopsies were analyzed for mRNA levels of (B) β1i (squares) and β7 (triangles); (C) β5i (squares) and β2i (triangles); (D) IFN-γ (squares) and CXCL9 (triangles); (E) TNF-α; (F) 2,5-OAS-1; and (G) IFN-α2 (black line), IFN-α14 (dashed line), IFN-α21 dotted line), and IFN-β (gray line). mRNA levels were normalized to endogenous references (GAPDH and β-actin) and expressed as fold increase over preinfection levels. In Ch1606, the relative mRNA level of IFN-α21 was 36.9 at week 4. Vertical dashed lines separate the time intervals prior to the first major (greater than 2-fold) increase of IFN-γ or TNF-α mRNA levels. NT, not tested due to the shortage of cDNA.