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. 2006 Sep;70(3):789–829. doi: 10.1128/MMBR.00040-05


Cytoplasmic/mitochondrial substrates for endogenous covalent mono-ADP-ribosylation

Substrate(s) Amino acid modification site(s) Functional relevance Reference(s)
Glutamate dehydrogenase isozymes (hGDH1 and hGDH2) C119 Inhibits substrate activity 78
Desmin (intermediate filament protein) R48 and R68 Inhibition of assembly of desmin into 10-nm intermediate filaments 464
Tubulin Arginine residues Assembly inhibition and rapid depolymerization 351, 403
Alpha-actin R95 and R372 Delay in polymerization, decreased rate of nucleation 183
Beta-actin Arginine residues Inhibition of actin polymerization 401
G-actin R28 and R206 Inhibition of actin polymerization 402
F-actin R28 Inhibition of actin polymerization 402
Myelin basic protein Arginine residues Stabilization of myelin? 444
Glutamine synthetase Arginine residues Inactivation 282
GTP-binding protein Gi alpha subunits Cysteine residues Attenuates inhibition of adenylate cyclase by epinephrine; regulation of hormonal control of the adenylate cyclase system 83, 393, 397
Transducin, GTP-binding protein Go alpha subunits N343(?), D346(?), C347(?), arginine residues (R147)? Activation of a retinal cyclic GMP-selective phosphodiesterase 45, 83, 250
GTP-binding protein Gs alpha subunits Arginine residues Activation of the adenylate cyclase system 172, 326
GTP-binding protein beta subunits R129 Inactivation, prevents the inhibition of type 1 adenylyl cyclase 240
cGMP-phosphodiesterase gamma subunit R33 and R36 Activation 43
Phosphoprotein B-50/GAP-43 C3 and C4 Cytosolic localization 320
Neurogranin NAa NA 81
Glucose regulatory protein 78 (GRP78/BiP) NA NA 221, 227

NA, not analyzed.