Substrate(s) | Amino acid modification site(s) | Functional relevance | Reference(s) |
Glutamate dehydrogenase isozymes (hGDH1 and hGDH2) | C119 | Inhibits substrate activity | 78 |
Desmin (intermediate filament protein) | R48 and R68 | Inhibition of assembly of desmin into 10-nm intermediate filaments | 464 |
Tubulin | Arginine residues | Assembly inhibition and rapid depolymerization | 351, 403 |
Alpha-actin | R95 and R372 | Delay in polymerization, decreased rate of nucleation | 183 |
Beta-actin | Arginine residues | Inhibition of actin polymerization | 401 |
G-actin | R28 and R206 | Inhibition of actin polymerization | 402 |
F-actin | R28 | Inhibition of actin polymerization | 402 |
Myelin basic protein | Arginine residues | Stabilization of myelin? | 444 |
Glutamine synthetase | Arginine residues | Inactivation | 282 |
GTP-binding protein Gi alpha subunits | Cysteine residues | Attenuates inhibition of adenylate cyclase by epinephrine; regulation of hormonal control of the adenylate cyclase system | 83, 393, 397 |
Transducin, GTP-binding protein Go alpha subunits | N343(?), D346(?), C347(?), arginine residues (R147)? | Activation of a retinal cyclic GMP-selective phosphodiesterase | 45, 83, 250 |
GTP-binding protein Gs alpha subunits | Arginine residues | Activation of the adenylate cyclase system | 172, 326 |
GTP-binding protein beta subunits | R129 | Inactivation, prevents the inhibition of type 1 adenylyl cyclase | 240 |
cGMP-phosphodiesterase gamma subunit | R33 and R36 | Activation | 43 |
Phosphoprotein B-50/GAP-43 | C3 and C4 | Cytosolic localization | 320 |
Neurogranin | NAa | NA | 81 |
Glucose regulatory protein 78 (GRP78/BiP) | NA | NA | 221, 227 |
NA, not analyzed.