Relationship between GBV-C RNA concentration and response to ART. The average reduction in HIV-RNA from baseline in the Brazilian subjects (n = 166) is shown when stratified by GBV-C RNA concentration. Subjects classified as GBV-C RNA negative using the criteria defining the gold standard (neg) were compared with those with “low” GBV-C RNA concentrations (≤106 copies/ml GBV-C RNA) or “high” GBV-C RNA concentrations (>106 copies/ml). The estimated increased reduction in log HIV RNA for one category increase in GBV-C RNA (neg = 1, low = 2, and high = 3) was 0.236 copies/ml (P = 0.03). Each box is between the upper and lower quartiles, with the bar denoting the median. Hatched lines represent 2 deviations from the mean. The whiskers represent the largest and smallest datum points unless there are outliers, which are shown as dots. Trt grp, treatment group.