A nuclear factor(s) binds to the CCTTG repeat. (A)
Presence of CCTTG-specific factor in MEL cell nuclear extract. EMSA was
performed with the MEL cell nuclear extract by using a probe containing
four CCTTG repeats (WTX4). The shifted band is indicated with an
arrowhead. Increasing amounts of unlabeled competitor probe WTX4 and a
probe containing four mutated (CCGAG) repeats (MUTX4) at 10-, 50-, and
60-fold excess over the radioactively labeled probe were added to the
binding mixture. The sequences of WTX4 and MUTX4 are shown below.
(B) The repeat-binding sequence is conserved in
mammalian fetal globin promoters. EMSA was performed with CCTTG
containing probe JC454/5, which was derived from the γ-globin
promoter, and JC493/4, which was derived from the sequence between
the CACCC box and the CAAT box in the mouse bh1 promoter (shown below).
Where indicated, 100-fold excess of the competitor was used. In the
first lane, the MEL cell nuclear extract was left out of the binding
reaction (−extr). AP2 binding sequence was used as negative control
for competition. The TCTTG repeat in the bh1 promoter is marked with
dashed arrows. (C) COUP TF II does not bind to the CCTTG
repeat. EMSA was performed by using nuclear extract from COS-7 cells
mock-transfected (−) or transfected with an expression vector for COUP
TF II (+). WTX4 and RARE2 (sequence shown below), which contains
binding sites for COUP TF II and related nuclear receptors, were used
as probes. The COUP TF II complex is indicated with an arrowhead.